How can we keep LED screens from moisture?

 R Expos have been around the Washington DC area since 2001, and we’ve been a reputable provider of audio visual rentals in the area since then as well. We specialize in event technologies such as projection, lighting, scenic, and staging. With the thousands of events across the United States we have assisted with, our knowledge of hotel guidelines and procedures has grown immensely over the years. So if you are looking to rent LED screens for your upcoming events and want to keep moisture out of them so they don’t break, here’s some information about how to do so successfully.

Place your LEDs in a well-ventilated area

When installing LED screens, you must place them in a well-ventilated area. If an LED screen is not ventilated, it will be exposed to humidity, which will result in the screen’s colors changing. This can also cause the screen to flicker or become static. To prevent this from happening, make sure you are installing the LEDs in a space that has plenty of ventilation and is free of any sources of heat such as heaters or air conditioners. When setting up your LED wall, plan ahead: Use caution when installing your LED wall. You should plan out how you want the screens positioned before installation so there are no mistakes or accidents while doing so.
Many people install their LED walls without taking into account the angle of each panel: Make sure you take into account the angle at which each panel needs to face for optimal viewing pleasure! Tilting a panel too far will decrease its color brightness.

Use a dehumidifier

Led Wall is a company that specializes in LED screens, and with the thousands of events across the United States, they have assisted with their knowledge of hotel guidelines and procedures. One of these guidelines is to avoid putting anything damp near your LED screen. This includes plants or any other type of water or moisture. In order to combat this problem, Led Wall has created a dehumidifier that will help dry out any unwanted water on your screen in no time at all! With its ability to stay plugged in for days at a time, it’s perfect for anyone looking to avoid issues before they happen.

Use fans to circulate air

LED panels are sensitive to moisture, which is why it’s a good idea to use fans. When you feel the need for extra cooling, set up one or two large fans in front of your Led Wall. The fans will circulate air across the screen and dry it out more quickly. Fans are also great for events with lots of people who generate a lot of body heat. Air conditioning might not be enough on its own, but a couple of powerful fans near the LED wall can create an updraft that sucks cool air into the room and pushes hot air out. You don’t have to worry about guests getting too cold because they’ll be too warm before they start feeling chilled! Orlando Audio Visual Rentals provides audio visual services for Washington Dc as well as Baltimore Maryland. Our expertise covers everything from audio/video presentations to projectors, displays, lighting fixtures and staging equipment rentals. We are equipped to provide expert support at any type of event from conferences and product launches to concerts and celebrations.

Use an air conditioner

LED Wall is a state of the art LED screen that uses LED technology to project vivid color and images. LED Walls are typically installed in lobbies, event spaces, and restaurants. The most common problem with LED Walls is that they are unable to be used in humid environments such as an outside setting for a birthday party or inside a hotel lobby when the air conditioner is off. To protect the life of your LED Wall, it’s important to know how to care for your screen properly. One way you can prevent water damage on the Led Wall is by installing an air conditioner nearby which will help maintain a comfortable temperature and humidity level for your Led Wall. AVR Expos recommends purchasing LED screens with a high-quality outer layer coating that provides protection against moisture and condensation so the screen can last longer without requiring replacement. In addition, don’t forget to clean your LED Screen before using it if you’ve experienced inclement weather recently! When our installer sets up your Led Wall he will instruct you on its best placement in regards to window height and positioning relative to air conditioning units; this step prevents any short circuits from occurring!


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